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Village Agent Update

The last time I gave you an update of Village Agent activities I told you we were starting a new project, basing ourselves, two hours a day in the RUH foyer alongside our Age UK partners bringing the B&NES Wellbeing HUB into the hospital so patients, their relatives and staff have direct access to  information, advice and multiple Support Services that keep people, of all ages,  living independently at home and out of hospital. Just in the three week period to end of March we had over 400 conversations with people, leading to multiple signposting opportunities to other services and providers able to assist individuals. Several direct referrals were also made on behalf of individuals needing immediate assistance. The project goes from strength to strength, and soon, we will also be found in the community hospitals.

Question…..Would you ever NOT claim your old age pension? Of course not, you are entitled to it and have paid your NI contributions for years! So why is it other payments you could be entitled to aren’t claimed?

As a Village Agent I often come across residents who could claim Attendance Allowance, or Carers Allowance, or the Personal Independence Payment or Disability Living Allowance and Council Tax benefit, but they aren’t claiming it, indeed some people don’t feel its right that they do, yet some are struggling to make ends meet. It’s currently estimated £15bn goes unclaimed, up to 3.4 million pensioners are not claiming Attendance Allowance, 400,000 are not claiming Carers Allowance and many hundreds of thousands more aren’t claiming other allowances and grants they are entitled to.

If you want to find out more for yourself or someone you know, please get in touch. If you, or someone you know needs information or support to remain living independently at home….and out of hospital, please get in touch. Everything I do is confidential and free and often it’s just a phone call that’s needed which can make a world of difference,  tel: 01275 333700 or